Encounters and Collisions at Duke University, NC

Happening this Saturday, October 15th, at Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina. 

It is my first time there and I am very excited about this concert. I am presenting my most recent work, Encounters and Collisions, with text by the amazing Italian-Somali writer Igiaba Scego. The beautiful thing is that Igiaba is in the U.S., in Durham, for a residency and I will get to meet her for the first time. She will also listen to the music I wrote for her story!

Friday October 14th, 12pm, The Pink Parlor
Transforming Arts
 A conversation between Igiaba Scego and Sara Serpa about the creative process of transforming artworks

Saturday, October 15th, 7pm, Nelson Music Room
Encounters and Collisions
A commission from Chamber Music America drawing inspiration from  Igiaba Scego’s book My Home is Where I Am
Sara Serpa- voice + composition
Caroline Davis- alto sax
Marta Sanchez- piano
Erik Friedlander-cello

(Free performance thanks to support from Romance Studies and Franklin Humanities Institute)